On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 10:54:07AM +0100, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> Dne 14. 12. 20 v 11:22 Panu Matilainen napsal(a):
> > 
> > When I started working on rpm back in 2007, landing new features to rpm 
> > meant looking 5+ years in the horizon to have
> > said feature running on a released RHEL running in the builder so people 
> > could start trying it out on rawhide, which
> > meant that by then it was far, far too late to address any of the 
> > inevitable design flaws you get when doing something
> ...
> > For me this is a career-long dream come true. THANK YOU for everybody in 
> > the involved in making it happen, one step at a
> > time, over the years!
> Nice to hear :)
> But it is important to know that as long as bootstrap is big step, there is 
> still hidden caveat: When any RPM or DNF
> package or any package they requires use some nice fancy feature which host's 
> rpm does not recognize, then the bootstrap
> will fail anyway. This is solved by bootstrap image feature

Well, depends on the feature, but sure... 

> https://github.com/rpm-software-management/mock/wiki/Feature-container-for-bootstrap
> which is still fresh feature - just one year old :) And so far not enabled in 
> Koji.
> When *this* will be enabled in Koji, we can finally boost the RPM development 
> to levels previously unimaginable. :)

Yeah, we should discuss how to manage and land this. Ideally there would
be a lot of CI/QA/Gating on the image, and we would have easy ways to
roll back to a known good one in case. 

I wonder how much slower it is? 


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