On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 12:58 PM Ben Cotton <bcot...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 12:22 PM Adam Williamson
> <adamw...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> >
> > So to boil this down into a representative question: when we are doing
> > the Fedora 34 Go/No-Go meeting in ~four months' time, how do we decide
> > whether to release "Fedora CoreOS 34"?
> >
> This question is relevant to my interests.
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 12:36 PM Adam Williamson
> <adamw...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> >
> > Note that if you go to getfedora.org and click on CoreOS *right now*,
> > it offers you a Fedora 32-based CoreOS. This is the kind of thing that
> > is kinda fine so long as it's an Emerging Edition. It would *not*,
> > IMHO, be fine for an Edition. If we accept CoreOS as an edition and two
> > months after Fedora 34 is "released", our "stable" CoreOS is still
> > Fedora 33-based, that seems like the sort of thing that would look bad.
> I agree. I understand the reasoning, but I'd really like to see FCOS
> align with the rest of the schedule or at least develop a clear and
> succinct explanation of why it's delayed so that the public and the
> tech press can easily understand.

I would probably suggest that they *must* make it so they can rebase
and release to a new stable release when the rest of the platform
does. If they want to make releases faster (a la Fedora Cloud), that's
fine. But being slower is not acceptable, IMHO.

> On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 12:31 PM Neal Gompa <ngomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I would personally rather see Fedora CoreOS pulled *back* into the
> > fold more as an Edtion
> From a program management perspective, I've largely closed my eyes and
> gone "la la la" when it comes to FCOS, in part because it is so
> separate from what we know as Fedora. Making FCOS work more like what
> we know as Fedora would certainly be helpful from my perspective, but
> at the same time there are technical challenges to that. And maybe
> what FCOS does from a distro-building standpoint is more like what we
> should move toward. Maybe not.
> In any case, part of the work to be done here, if the Change is
> approved, is for me to figure out how to include FCOS in some of the
> program management work.
> I wonder if it would be better to target this for Fedora 35, with some
> of the work starting now. Given the work it took to get IoT into the
> fold (which, as Adam noted, is a smaller effort than FCOS), Fedora 34
> feels pretty optimistic here.

I suspect that you're right and this should be retargeted for Fedora 35.

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