On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 10:02 AM Lennart Poettering <mzerq...@0pointer.de>

> On Mi, 02.12.20 09:56, Richard Shaw (hobbes1...@gmail.com) wrote:
> > I've got a SystemD service file that starts a service, the problem is it
> > connects to another device that takes longer to boot up into a "ready"
> > state than the computer with the service.
> >
> > I could just add a "ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sleep 30" to the service file,
> > but will it delay for 30 seconds on restarts as well? I only want it to
> > wait on cold boots.
> >
> > I may be better off creating a timer unit file and using OnBootSec but
> > didn't want to go with the complexity of a timer if I didn't have to.
> That's more of a question for the systemd mailing list, rather than
> the Fedora ML.

I figured there were enough experts here, I need to be subscribed to
another mailing list like I need another hole in my head :)

> That said, what kind of device is it? Is it shown among the devices
> "systemctl -t device" shows? If so, just add

Nope, it's an external networked device. They always "boot up" at the same
time, but the computer which runs the service boots up faster than the
device I need to connect to.

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