Am 11.11.20 um 16:58 schrieb Lennart Poettering:
So if you configure 4 DNS servers then each will still get roughly
1/4th of your requests? That's still quite a lot of info.
the more you use, and i did, the better it protects against tracking by
the dns cache owners.
How about putting this as a feature request in resolved? It should of
course use encrypted protocols first.
Best regards,
BTW: Der Landesdatenschutz hat eine Überprüfung der Frage des
Datenschutzverstoßes bei IPs an Cloudflare angenommen, aber wegen
chronischer Überlastung wird das vermutlich Monate oder gar Jahre
dauern, bis wir da was bekommen. Für Niedersachsen gibt es genau eine
Personalstelle für "Internet"-Sachen ;)
For anyone else, the german state agency for dataprotection of Lower
Saxony has accepted the case of resolved using CF or Google as
fallback. The rule if or if not it's a dp fault can take years due to a
bad personal situation at the agency.
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