On Mon, Nov 2, 2020 at 7:24 PM Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
<marma...@invisiblethingslab.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Are there any plans to have Fedora repository metadata signed? I think
> dnf supports it for a long time already. I know the packages themselves
> are already signed, but metadata do carry some extra information that
> potentially could be manipulated - for example to _selectively_ hide
> some updates, or to exploit metadata-parsing code (like in [1]).
> By default Fedora authenticates metadata using metalink downloaded over
> HTTPS from a Fedora-controlled infrastructure. But still an attack is
> possible with some rather extreme preconditions - namely to obtain a
> mis-issued certificate for mirrors.fedoraproject.org and MitM the
> connection. But also, if anyone set a specific mirror (examples to
> uncomment are over plain http, BTW) or use a 3rd-party repository that
> doesn't use metalinks, it is far easier to mount an attack on repository
> metadata.
> Additionally, signed metadata could reduce damage in case of
> metalink-hosting server compromise.
> I don't know much about Fedora infrastructure, but perhaps there is
> still something I could help with?
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1868639

Repositories that don't use metalinks (and thus don't have
cryptographically strong secure checksums to validate the content
before processing) are encouraged to GPG sign metadata, and prior to
us migrating the openh264 repo to metalinks, we signed the repository
metadata there too. I believe it's still signed, we just don't verify
it by default anymore.

The major remaining issue for us to start enabling repository GPG
checks is that DNF doesn't use the RPM GPG keyring for repository
metadata GPG signature validation, which can cause issues with our
compose pipeline. I believe this is something we'll fix with DNF
version 5, as the whole GPG check code is being massively reworked for

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