#fedora-meeting-2: FESCo (2020-10-21)

Meeting started by decathorpe at 14:00:31 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Init Process  (decathorpe, 14:00:56)
  * LINK:
    schedule  (decathorpe, 14:05:42)

* #2479 F33 UEFI Secure Boot signing keys  (decathorpe, 14:06:25)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/blocker-review/issue/135
    (mhroncok, 14:50:35)
  * REJECTED (+3, 0, -5): We no longer consider this bug a FESCo blocker.
  * LINK:
    (Eighth_Doctor, 14:52:41)
  * LINK: https://twitter.com/mattdm/status/1318927392715526148
    (mhroncok, 14:56:24)

* Next Week's Chair  (decathorpe, 14:58:47)
  * https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/omelet  (mattdm,
  * ACTION: dcantrell to chiair the next meeting  (decathorpe, 15:01:40)

* Open Floor  (decathorpe, 15:01:58)

Meeting ended at 15:13:10 UTC.

Action Items
* dcantrell to chiair the next meeting

Action Items, by person
* dcantrell
  * dcantrell to chiair the next meeting
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* Eighth_Doctor (78)
* mhroncok (58)
* mattdm (47)
* pjones (43)
* decathorpe (43)
* sgallagh (41)
* nirik (38)
* dcantrell (20)
* zodbot (15)
* zbyszek (14)
* cverna (8)
* bcotton (8)
* x3mboy (6)
* kalev (3)
* defolos (3)
* cmurf (1)
* Conan_Kudo (0)
* King_InuYasha (0)
* Son_Goku (0)
* Sir_Gallantmon (0)
* ignatenkobrain (0)
* Pharaoh_Atem (0)

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