Am 06.10.20 um 23:21 schrieb Solomon Peachy:
>> It's one thing to contact your repo or distro servers, and another if
>> it's a known dataminer, that gets all domainnames you visit.
> So.. given that both Google and Cloudfare have actual European business 
> offices, aren't they bound by the GPDR too?  
> I get that it's fashionable these days to dump all over $Big_Tech, but 
> we're better off basing our arguments on actual facts and logic?

If you have a contract with them, which you don't have, and the data
stays in europe, it would be another thing.

As a matter of fact, I have mailed our federal dp office and my
statewise dp office for a dp statement.

As soon as a statement, no matter which opinion they have, arrives, i
will post the result here on the list, so we all have a better
understanding of the matter.
Due to the complexity of this matter, I dont expect an answere soon ;)

Most likely i will receive a consultative call first and than it will
takes months before something happens. Had it already for article 32 1a
GDPR and the enforcement of TLS1_2 with SMTP in 2018. (btw.. i was right
;) )

best regards,
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