On Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:35:04 AM CEST Mattia Verga via devel wrote:
> Il 06/10/20 09:15, Pavel Raiskup ha scritto:
> > The KMail app stopped working for me today, and I realized there's
> > update to which I'd like to give a try:
> >
> >    https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-15d324f87c
> >
> > In Bodhi, the suggested command to test this update is:
> >
> >    sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing 
> > --advisory=FEDORA-2020-15d324f87c
> >
> > But that doesn't work because the mirrored updates-testing is not
> > yet updated.  And downloading all the builds manually from Koji
> > is just too much work ATM.
> You can let Bodhi client download the builds for you:
> bodhi updates download --updateid FEDORA-2020-15d324f87c
> Then dnf install the downloaded builds.

Awesome, I didn't know this!  Thank you, it would be awesome if each of
the update mentioned that command (at least till it is in
updates-testing).  I wrapped that + createrepo + dnf update into a simple
script, if anyone else finds it useful:

> > Would it be possible to enhance Bodhi so it provides the repositories
> > somewhere in the meantime, before composes are ready?
> > This is not the first time I'd found this feature very convenient.
> Very unlikely. That would mean to provide some (a lot of) extra space 
> somewhere. Moreover, Bodhi development workforce is way under the 
> needs... you can try to open a ticket upstream, but that will likely 
> pile up with many others.

The repo doesn't have to be kept forever, only till the update is really
available in updates-testing.  I assume that it wouldn't be unreasonable
amount of storage?  Ok, trying here:


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