Dne 22. 09. 20 v 10:47 Miro Hrončok napsal(a):
> On 22. 09. 20 10:29, Michael J Gruber wrote:
>>> Dne 21. 09. 20 v 18:37 Michael J Gruber napsal(a):
>>> No, please not! It is just build dependency. I have orphaned the
>>> package
>>> to have it removed from Fedora. May be I should have retire it instead,
>>> but I wanted to give change if somebody have some real reason to
>>> have it
>>> in Fedora.
>>> Vít
>> Well, "just a build dependency" means it makes other packages FTBFS.

It does not. At least not immediately.

>> Often, noone notices that until the mass rebuild shortly before a
>> release beta.
>> I've already built and pushed it to avoid these problems at the worst
>> possible time. It's merely a matter of adjusting the expected test
>> output to the new ruby minor version (which has changed strings). And
>> my plan is still to retire it, but not without filling bugs for the
>> dependent packages before so that they get a chance to switch to
>> erubi (no "s").
> That is just rubygem-asciidoctor with this PR:
> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/rubygem-asciidoctor/pull-request/4
> No Bugzillas are needed.

Yes, I have tried to make sure everything is fixed prior orphaning
rubygem-erubis. You can check F32 dependencies vs Rawide. The
rubygem-asciidoctor is the only one which was recently without response
and I expect that Todd was just busy recently, but I have no doubts this
would be resolved prior it become issue.

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