On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 02:19:06PM -0400, Luke Macken wrote:
> Backend Changes
> ===============
> - Add the new 'dist-fN-updates{-testing,}-pending' tags to builds so AutoQA 
> can
>   start testing them before they get pushed
> - List security & critpath testing updates in our updates-testing digest 
> emails
> - Download and inject the pkgtags sqlite db into our repodata from the pkgdb
>   (which will be utilized by `yum search`)
> - Email the proventesters about stale unapproved critical path updates
> - Update the bug titles for all security updates before pushing (since 
> security
>   bug titles frequently change after the update is submitted to reflect the 
> CVE id)
> - Improved sanity checking in the masher when resuming pushes
> - Properly capture & log stderr from our mash subprocess
> - Improved metrics report generator (soon to be integrated into the web
>   interface)

I forgot to add a couple more changes in this release:

  - Security updates no longer need to be "approved" before they go to testing
  - Update announcement mails no longer butcher the formatting of the notes
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