Dne 31. 08. 20 v 23:35 Adam Williamson napsal(a):
> On Mon, 2020-08-31 at 15:53 -0400, Ben Cotton wrote:
>> Accepted blockers
>> -----------------
>> 1. libreport — https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1860616 — POST
>> abrt-server errors when processing zstd compressed core dumps produced
>> by systemd-246~rc1-1.fc33
>> FEDORA-2020-59e144acee contains a potential fix, but introduces a new
>> blocker (BZ 1873029). It may be moot until the retrace server is
>> brought back online.
> I'll just note the same team is responsible for this whole complex -
> the retrace and FAF servers, and the abrt/libreport tool cluster - so
> ultimately the ask here of that team is: get the whole kaboodle working
> so we can actually report crashes in F33.

The status of the HW:
 * it is racked in RDU2
 * there has been issue in networking
 * with Smoodge (and bunch of others) help it get some temporary network setup, 
so we can ssh-access it now.
 * I hope that this week it will be configured and I hope that by next week it 
will be available under the original address.

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Associate Manager ABRT/Copr, #brno, #fedora-buildsys
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