> You do not have support for any sources of high quality entropy
> enabled. For end user security, that is probably not what you want. Your
> options include: * Linux + glibc >=2.25 (getrandom): HAVE_GETRANDOM, *
> Linux + glibc <2.25 (syscall SYS_getrandom): HAVE_SYSCALL_GETRANDOM, * BSD
> / macOS >=10.7 (arc4random_buf): HAVE_ARC4RANDOM_BUF, * BSD / macOS <10.7
> (arc4random): HAVE_ARC4RANDOM, * libbsd (arc4random_buf):
> HAVE_LIBBSD, * Linux / BSD / macOS (/dev/urandom): XML_DEV_URANDOM *
> Windows (RtlGenRandom): _WIN32. If insist on not using any of these,
> bypass this error by defining XML_POOR_ENTROPY; you have been warned.
> If you have reasons to patch this detection code away or need changes
> to the build system, please open a bug. Thank you!

My interpretation is that they want you to choose a source of
randomness by defining one of those macros, so can you get the build
system to pass -DXML_DEV_URANDOM to g++?

Björn Persson

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