Michał Piotrowski wrote:
> Ok, so maybe it's time to setup Fedora "backports" repo for these that
> wants new and shiny Firefox 4, PostgreSQL 9 or whatever with big
> number.
> I'm not a huge fan of huge updates in "stable" Firefox3->Firefox4,
> Kde4.5->Kde4.6 etc. In fact I would prefer to avoid them. But
> sometimes people want this latest and greatest, shiny :)
> Setting up "official" backport repo will avoid repos fragmentation.
> Keeping all cool updates in one place appears to be a reasonable idea.
> Am I right?

How hard would it be to "cherry-pick" from this backports repository? To 
install a newer Firefox from there for example, but keep the PostgreSQL from 
the ordinary Fedora even if there is a newer one in the backports repository, 
and with a simple "yum update" receive bugfixes to PostgreSQL from fedora-
updates and new Firefox versions from the backports repository?

If the backports repository would be an "all or nothing" thing, or if cherry-
picking would require special tweaking of Yum, then it's a bad idea.

Björn Persson

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