Gary Buhrmaster wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 1, 2020 at 9:23 PM Kevin Kofler <>
> wrote:
>> Especially the CMake one was completely pointless.
> The goal was not pointless, but I will assert that the
> implementation was flawed in practice.

The goal was to make more packages do out-of-source builds, which is a 
build-time-only implementation detail that should theoretically have no 
effect whatsoever on the produced packages (though, in practice, at least 
the directory structure of the -debugsource packages will be different). 
Hence, an end user will probably not notice any difference whatsoever, which 
is why I call the change pointless.

I also do not believe that the change really makes things easier for 
packagers, just different. And different is bad when it means that dozens of 
specfiles have to be adapted to such an incompatible change. The boilerplate 
to do an out-of-source build (even with ancient versions of CMake that did 
not have the -S and -B options) was very simple and widely used.

I also think that it is more valuable to be backwards-compatible with older 
versions of Fedora (and where possible, also with RHEL/CentOS and EPEL) than 
to be compatible with other, unrelated distributions that happen to also use 
RPM. The CMake change, on the other hand, improved cross-compatibility with 
other distributions at the expense of backwards compatibility with our own 

LTO at least promises tangible benefits for the end user. But maybe it 
should have been opt-in (via the specfile) at first?

        Kevin Kofler
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