Hi all,

first I would like to recommend you to try the steps here:


it should help you find out where the problem can be.

If you are able to reproduce the issue with the first step, please file
a bug on bugzilla.redhat.com.

Thank you in advance!

On 7/29/20 7:52 AM, Tomasz Torcz wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 08:21:53AM -0500, Richard Shaw wrote:
>> After upgrading to Fedora 32 I've noticed when editing files, especially
>> spec files that vim does some crazy jumps/indents that it didn't do before.
>> Right now I'm pressing i to insert a line before a Requires: and when I hit
>> enter it jumps to the next line (fine) but with 4 indents and one space...
>> WTF?
>> Anyone else seeing strange vim behavior?
>   I've noticed overzealous indent while editing yaml files. I wanted
> to provide example when it turned out vim also _unindents_. This is
> quite jarring.
>   Example: edit a yaml file, write
> #v+
> some: text
> #v-
>   Press ENTER, cursor goes to the next line, indented 2 space. Write more:
> #v+
> some: text
>   write
> #v-
>   As soon as you put “:”, whole line gets _moved back_:
> #v+
> some: text
> write: more
> #v-
>   Ugh.
Zdenek Dohnal
Software Engineer
Red Hat Czech - Brno TPB-C

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