Dne 17. 07. 20 v 23:14 Aleksei Bavshin napsal(a):

Yes, that's something I already accepted.
The real question is how to do the change in f33 considering that f32
and f33 modules must be built from the same modulemd file. I only see
the ability to disable module stream build for f33.
Hmm, it seems this is caused by the dist-git implementation of modularity source control management. There's no name or stream in the yaml file. If I understand it correctly, the values are obtained from following places:
name == name of the dist-git repo
stream == name of the dist-git branch

I'll make a note for myself to make the fields mandatory so you can use any any branch name. That would allow you maintaining 2 versions of the source yaml file and build the modules differently for different platforms.

And now I'm curious what would happen if I specify `platform: [-f33]`
and publish new module build. Would that remove previously published
metadata from rawhide?
I guess the right answer is somewhere around servicelevels and `eol`
It probably depends on the implementation.
Not sure if Fedora infrastructure releases module for the latest module version (which would be none in this case) or the latest available (which would be the previous module build).
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