Note that in my mail, I was referring to proprietary memtest86. I haven't tried memtest86+ on my current system since it's clearly obsolete.

On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 1:20 pm, Brandon Nielsen <> wrote:
While I consider the effort to keep Memtest86+ working in Fedora pretty
heroic, and I've never had it fail to detect bad memory for me, I feel
like shipping a tool that spuriously fails on modern hardware when
attempting to detect spurious hardware failures[0][1] is more of a
negative than a positive. While it seems fixed in Rawhide, with a dead
upstream I'm sure it's just a matter of time until it happens again
(likely when the necessary GCC compat package gets dropped).

Note: memtest86+ actually had an upstream release recently after a *very* long hiatus, so I guess it's no longer dead. But I agree memtest86+ should be dropped, since it's incompatible with UEFI and surely not what we want people to try using.

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