It feels to me like this might be a great area to slow down a bit and
not try to do everything at once.
Why don't we just make the simplest change for F33 - going to btrfs by
default - and see how that goes, and consider the 'options' for F34 or
later, rather than changing too much stuff at once
Considering how controversial the change has been already,?? I think it
would make a lot of sense to make one change at a time. If someone were
to have a bad experience with the new default, it would be unclear
whether that's because of the filesystem itself or because of the
options we chose to deploy the filesystem with. If we make those changes
separately, and the compression change goes badly, the changes would
still be clearly independent.
Changing one thing at a time is responsible change management in any
case, especially when we're talking about defaults.
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