
On Mon, 2020-07-06 at 13:31 +0200, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
>   Hi,
> > > btw, sd-boot has a few tricks up its sleeve: if during boot you keep
> > > "w" pressed down it will automatically boot into windows, similar if
> > > you keep "l" pressed down it will automaticall boot into linux, "a"
> > > will boot into macos, all without showing any UI at all. This means
> > > the boot menu can be hidden entirely during boot with a zero timeout,
> > > but you can still boot into a specific boot entry.
> > 
> > That's actually awful, in my opinion,
> Why?  It's nice to have them and I can't see any downsides.

I have lots of machines that fail to show the exact time boot happens
(external monitor still powering up or blanking out) and will
disable/ignore keys if you press too early.

You won't see this with laptops as they are integrated machines and
manufacturers pay a lot more attention to having a smooth display
experience, but with workstations or servers the boot time is not the
best experience ...

> > and objectively undiscoverable..
> Indeed.  Would be nice to show these hotkeys somewhere.  Extend the
> help line which is shown when you press '?' for example.
> > If you'd like to see how it should be done, boot a VM with GRUB2 as
> > the bootloader. For a short period of time, you'll see a list of
> > options, with the default option highlighted. If you don't pick
> > something different, or don't need to enter a prompt to recover your
> > device, it'll automatically boot.
> Well, seems you have never actually used sd-boot ...
> There actually isn't much of a difference between grub2 and systemd-boot
> here.  Both can be configured to show or not show a menu.  The menu
> screen doesn't look fundamentally different either:  List of boot
> entries for the kernels installed, entry to boot into firmware setup,
> default entry highlighted, a few seconds timeout with countdown.  Both
> support editing boot entries.
> Yes, unlike grub2 sd-boot has no command prompt.  I have not missed that
> so far.  The vast majority of cases where I've actually needed the grub2
> prompt have been grub2 install problems, like grub2 failing to find its
> config file for some reason.  That is clearly not something I account in
> favor of grub2 ...

Anecdata, but I definitely never (maybe once 15 years ago?) had grub
install issue, but plenty of dracut reconfiguration/upgrade failures
over the years and the ability to edit the command line has been a life

It is kind of a must have feature to do development on kernels so you
can quickly change something w/o breaking your written down
configuration for good if you make a mistake.

Definitely not a fan of having to try a rescue disk, when you are 1000
miles from a server that you can access only via a remote console.

That said I do not love grub, but being able to change the boot line is
really a basic required feature for a developer OS.

> > GRUB2 is nice in that it's powerful enough for those that need it, but
> > simple enough for those who don't want the complex features.
> Well, alot of the complex grub features are dragged forward from the
> BIOS world to the UEFI world and are somewhat awkward there.
> The BIOS provides block device access at sector level, so the boot
> loader has little choice but implementing drivers for all kinds of
> stuff.  Or use fragile block lists like lilo did in the last century.
> With UEFI much more functionality is provided by the firmware and there
> is little reason for a bootloader to have tons of drivers.  With the
> exception of filesystem drivers in case you want boot from something !=
> vfat.  But even that should ideally be implemented as uefi driver not as
> grub2 module.
> If you insist on comparing bloat it will be grub2 which is bloated,
> and it comes from being stuck in its own world and carrying its own
> implementation for everything instead of using firmware services.
> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   93803 Jun  2 08:19 systemd-bootx64.efi
> -rwx------. 1 root root 2513224 Jun 19 18:24 grubx64.efi
> (binaries as shipped by fedora 32).
> take care,
>   Gerd
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Simo Sorce
RHEL Crypto Team
Red Hat, Inc

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