On Thu, 2010-09-16 at 10:00 +0200, Haïkel Guémar wrote:
> You can set the init process in grub.conf, just append to the kernel
> line the following:
> real_init=/bin/systemd
Forgive the probably dumb question, but why real_init? I was using
back in the days when systemd was still badly broken...

> I agree that systemd should remain a working option for F14 users (man,
> it rocks) and so there should a simple way to switch.
Hrm, I'm not sure whether it rocks, but at least it more or less works
now (but does not shut down, but I believe I noticed thread or something
about that somewhere so it's probably known issue...).

Anyway, I'll probably keep it as well for it to rock in F15 :-D


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