On 6/29/20 1:47 PM, Josef Bacik wrote:
>>>> Just to be clear here, the choice of XFS here is purely based on
>>>> performance, not on the reliability of the file systems, right?
>>>> (So it's not “all the really important data is stored in XFS”.)
>>> Yes that's correct.  At our scale everything falls over, including XFS, and 
>>> as I've stated elsewhere in this thread we actually see a higher rate of 
>>> failure (relative to the install size) with XFS.  The databases we use 
>>> already do all of the fancy things that btrfs does in the application.  If 
>>> we could get away with it we'd just use raw disks for those applications. 
>>> and in fact may do that in the future.  Thanks,
>> Josef, with my XFS hat on, are these recent failures?  Have they
>> all been reported to the XFS list?
>> It makes sense to look at reliability in the context of this thread, but
>> offering "btrfs fails less often than XFS for us" without any context
>> (what kind of failure, what kernel, when, etc) doesn't help much, it's
>> just more anecdotes.
> Yup this is why I try to avoid talking about other file systems.  This 
> shouldn't be interpreted as "XFS drools, btrfs rules!", just that in our own 
> environment, btrfs does not fail at any significant rate higher than xfs.
> Xfs is used in completely different workloads, and with completely different 
> (much better) hardware.
> And the reason they haven't been brought up to the list is because it fails 
> at such a low rate that I didn't even realize we were having xfs reprovisions 
> until I went and looked at the data.  So far of the 15 machines that fell 
> over, 10 of them appear to be hardware related.  The other 5 have logs that 
> are in a different database that take longer to pull out.  Thanks,
> Josef

Thanks for the context, Josef, I appreciate it.

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