Thanks for providing this information!

I'll confess my primary worry/complaint about Modularity/AppStream in RHEL8 is 
one of lifecycle.

The default Stream in RHEL8 does not have the full 10 year lifecycle[1] present 
in RHEL7.  Folks doing a standard 'yum install ZZZZ' get the default stream, 
but may not be aware it isn't promised to be patched for the full RHEL8 

I like the ability to fetch new and different versions.  However, I find the 
ability to audit the module state on my system a bit lacking.  Which modules 
are installed?  When do they reach end of life?  Building that information on a 
RHEL8 box is more of a challenge than expected.

I'm hopeful that RHEL9's Modularity/AppStream plan will make this reporting 
easier and ideally provide a default stream I can use for the full lifecycle of 
the OS.


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