> > By that metric, Btrfs qualifies, as it's the default filesystem on
> > SUSE Linux Enterprise (and has been since 2014). SUSE has built
> One thing I'd like to see addressed.
> Back in the RHEL7.4 days, btrfs was explicitly deprecated:
> "The Btrfs file system has been in Technology Preview state since the
> initial release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. Red Hat will not be
> moving Btrfs to a fully supported feature and it will be removed in a
> future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
> "The Btrfs file system did receive numerous updates from the upstream in
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 and will remain available in the Red Hat
> Enterprise Linux 7 series. However, this is the last planned update to
> this feature.
> So, why did SuSE consider BTRFS "ready" while RedHat did not, to the
> point of removing support for it?  And what has changed since then?

I suspect, but I do not know so it's purely my own opinion, it was
because there was not the internal knowledge to be able to support the
filesystem, or yet another filesystem, for paying customers. Adding
support for something like a filesystem where you have paying
customers is not something taken lightly, customers tend to like their
data and enterprise support is only as good as their response when the
absolute worst possible thing happens. Having worked at hosting
providers and been consulting onsite at some very large companies I
know from experience that a lot of enterprises often take more time
over decisions to change storage platforms and options around storage
than probably all other decisions combined. An outage of a load
balancer or a network switch can be dealt with via resiliency and
replacing them is quite straight foward if a device doesn't live up to
expectations, storage is quite the opposite and data corruption is
often not easy to recover from so things like new filesystems are not
something that's taken lightly for some customers.

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