On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 12:32 PM Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
<zbys...@in.waw.pl> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 01:18:59PM -0400, Ben Cotton wrote:
> > == Scope ==
> > * Proposal owners:
> > ** Modify comps to include nano Fedora wide.
> > ** Create a new subpackage of <code>nano</code>, called
> > <code>nano-editor</code>.
> > ** <code>nano-editor</code> to include
> > <code>/usr/lib/environment.d/10-nano.conf</code>, which sets
> > <code>$EDITOR</code> to <code>nano</code>.
> There's one nitpick with using nano in 'git commit' and similar: it'll
> ask about the name to save as:
> ^X
> Save modified buffer? Y
> File Name to Write: 
> /home/zbyszek/src/systemd/.git/worktrees/systemd-work/COMMIT_EDITMSG
> Would it be possible to skip this last question in those scenarios?
> It the answer is "no", that's OK, but if it would be easy, it'd make
> usage a bit nicer. 'vi' and 'emacs -nw' don't ask.

The -t/--tempfile switch for nano (and pico) does exactly this:

Ben Rosser
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