On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 10:44:22AM -0000, Leigh Scott wrote:
> > One thing that's required of all spin maintainers, and everyone else,
> > is to be nice, there's no need to describe people as grubby.
> Maybe you should learn the meaning before launching an attack!
> https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/grubby-hands-paws-mitts#:~:text=From%20Longman%20Dictionary%20of%20Contemporary,your%20grubby%20paws%20to%20yourself!

Tone doesn't translate well to email. I assume you meant this with a joking,
friendly tone -- but "grubby" is still negative (merriam-webster says
"worthy of contempt"). It's easy for these things to be misread or taken out
of context and better to, yeah, stick to being nice. The negative language
doesn't really add anything even as a joke.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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