Ben Cotton wrote:
> == Summary ==
> This change will update all spec files in Fedora that use make and replace
> the make invocations with either the %make_build or %make_install macros.
> == Owner ==
> * Name: [[User:tstellar| Tom Stellard]]
> * Email: <>
I am opposed to this change.

Unlike other distros, it has always been Fedora policy to avoid this kind of 
pointless macros and just spell things out, in the name of readability. I 
think that should still be the way to go, also considering that:

> The %make_build macro enables parallel make builds using the -j option. 
> In case a package does not build correctly with parallel make, then
> parallel make will be disabled for that package by redefining the
> %_smp_mflags macro like this:
>   %global _smp_mflags -j1

This does not work when some make targets (typically, the default "all" 
target) support parallel make and others don't.

Additionally, how do you determine that "a package does not build correctly 
with parallel make"? Parallel make failures are race conditions and thus not 
reproducible. The builds can fail or succeed at random. The only safe 
approach is to assume that a package that does not use %{_smp_mflags} at 
this time probably omits it for a reason.

> All changes will be submitted to dist-git repositories via pull requests.
> Pull requests will be merged after 1 week if there are no objections or
> earlier if approved by the package maintainers.

What is the point of making such a purely cosmetic change as a mass change 
to all packages, with the potential of breaking things?

> == Benefit to Fedora ==
> * Reduced build times: Using the %make_build macros enables parallel make
> builds which will reduce build times for Fedora packages.

That is not true. The guidelines and templates clearly specify use of 
%{_smp_mflags}, so IMHO it is safe to assume that those packages that 
actually support parallel build already use %{_smp_mflags} and hence will 
not start building any faster.

As for those packages that do not currently use parallel build, see above: 
you have to assume that they omit it for a reason. It is unsafe to enable it 
behind the maintainer's back (giving them only 1 week to object, if they 
even realize that %make_build invisibly enables %{_smp_mflags} to begin with 
– IMHO, such hidden flags must be considered harmful).

> * This will make it easier to enforce consistent build flag usage across
> all of Fedora.

What kind of build flags? Compiler flags? The valid way to set those depends 
on the build system used. Passing make CFLAGS="…" with no knowledge of what 
the makefile looks like is inherently unsafe: it can override required flags 
set by the build system or a handwritten makefile, it can also end up being 
ignored entirely. Usually, the right way to set flags is before the build 
system or configure script invocation, not in the make step at all. (The 
build system then hardcodes the flags in the makefile, so you do not have to 
pass them again in the make step.)

        Kevin Kofler
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