# DataCentre Move Update: 2020-06-17

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all having a good week! I would like to give you some
updates on the Data Centre Move project that some members of the CPE
team have been involved in over the last few months.

As you are probably aware at this point, the Fedora hardware has been
moving from the current data centre in Phoenix, Arizona to IAD2 in
Washington and to facilitate this move, we have been reducing services
available in Fedora to what is essential for operations over a 6-8
week period.

We are now officially operating in the reduced Fedora service and the
final hardware shipment has been packed up and is in transit to its
new home!

We are expecting to begin re-racking the hardware in the new
datacentre from next week, beginning June 22nd.

### Service Bringup Schedule
The team intend to prioritize the bringup of the following, but not
limited to, services between the period of 22nd June to August 14th:
* Builder systems - est by July 3rd
* Additional high availability capacity
* Staging environment - est by July 28th
* CommuniShift (in RDU-CC which was paused in May to allow for the
bringup of the reduced Fedora service) - est by July 28th
* Remainder of applications for Fedora, such as Nuancier, Fedocal, etc
- est by August 12th

For a full list of services that are impacted by this move, please see
previous hackmnd note https://hackmd.io/hpYYJQRjQy-oHxUS7IonIA?view

### Additional Communications for Context
For additional context, Kevin Fenzi has sent mails last week on a
daily basis alerting the community on services as and when they are
being brought down.
Please see copy of emails sent here:
Day 1 
Day 2 
Day 3 & 4 

We also have a 'What this move means for you' email that went to

### What can you do to help?
We would ask you to please be patient and be aware that at times PR,
build requests, and other build items may not work due to resource
limitations. Please open tickets when this happens as we may not be
able to get to it immediately or know the problem is occurring.

We also have a list of services that we are asking for help validating
once bringup is complete in IAD2, so if you are able to assist us,
please check this hackmd and reach out to Kevin Fenzi (nirik) and/or
Stephen Smoogen (smooge) for instruction as the validation process may
be  different in the new datacentre

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this crucial time
as we complete the final 9 weeks of this project!

Kind regards,
Batman, Robin and Alfred :)

Aoife Moloney
Product Owner
Community Platform Engineering Team
Red Hat EMEA
Communications House
Cork Road
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