On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 12:21 AM John M. Harris Jr <joh...@splentity.com> wrote:
> On Monday, June 8, 2020 5:03:20 PM MST Kevin Kofler wrote:
> > Lennart Poettering wrote:
> >
> > > Well, if you don#t want that behaviour don't use the partition type
> > > UUIDs from the "discoverable partition spec" for your partitions.
> > >
> > > It's how these type uuids are defined:
> > >
> > > https://systemd.io/DISCOVERABLE_PARTITIONS/
> > >
> > > By using these partition type uuids you basically say: "please
> > > automatically mount me, thank you".
> >
> >
> > Uh, no. Any tools that create a partition table will use that UUID if I
> > create a swap partition. That's all that UUID really means: "this is a
> > GNU/Linux swap partition". You unilaterally redefined it to mean that the
> > partition should be automatically mounted even if I deliberately keep it
> > commented out in /etc/fstab. That conflicts with the original definition of
> >  that UUID, which is followed by all the partitioning tools out there.
> > I have had the systemd-auto-gpt-generator masked on all my systems for years
> >  (ever since I found out about its existence), and it will remain that
> > way, sorry.
> >
> > I was really angry back when I looked at the KSensors statistics, noticed
> > that the swap space was twice as large as expected, and realized that
> > systemd has decided to mount my spare swap partition on my SSD behind my
> > back and hence been using up my SSD behind my back for months. Thankfully,
> > the SSD still works years later, looks like I caught it early enough. (You
> > can be glad that you have that warranty disclaimer in the license, in any
> > case…) Ever since, systemd-auto-gpt-generator is masked.
> I wonder if we could get that masked in Fedora Server and KDE Spin,
> potentially along with homed, userdb, repart (Who in the world thought this
> was a good idea?), resolved, networkd, systemd-xdg-autostart-generator (you've
> got to be kidding with these generators.. that's the DE's job, not the init
> system), systemd-sysusers, systemd-growfs, and an ever growing list of absurd
> things thrown into an init system.
> These things are not discoverable at all. This stuff really needs to stop
> trying to guess what the user/sysadmin wants to do.
What makes you think the stuff we had before was discoverable? I can
tell you right now that it definitely wasn't. These newer things have
the advantage of coherent documentation, unified interfaces, and
consistent availability across distributions. The amount of effort to
discover and leverage this functionality is dramatically lower than
what it was a decade ago with the older things. It's a lot easier to
not accidentally break things, too!

I would not support rolling back all this functionality, and I
personally heavily use all of this across my servers and desktops.

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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