On 30. 05. 20 11:56, Ján ONDREJ (SAL) wrote:
Hey. I'll try to answer.

   som trocha zmateny z tych hlaseni. Je skoda, ze bugzilla priamo neobsahuje
link na failed build.
The bugzillas don't contain the failed build link, because they are primarily 
"fails to install" and not "fails to build" bugzillas. In this particular case, 
the first is caused by the latter, but Igor's automation cannot know that.
Musim si ho pohladat sam. Skusal som rebuildnut tak
ako si mi vravel, teda cez mock s konfiguraciou copr repo, ale neviem preco,
tak ten build zbehne teraz bez problemov. Ale ked dam build priamo cez
fedpkg build, tak to nezbehne. To este nie je mergnute?
Ale divne je, ze preco mi mock -r fedora-rawhide-python39 ... zbehne.
The Python 3.9 copr is debugging tool only. It contains builds of genshi and 
chameleon done with Python 3.9.0a1, a2... etc. In Koji, we have started with b1 
and chameleon and genshi didn't build there. That's the reason why your packages 
build with copr-mock, but not in regular mock.
   Upravil som tie bugy a doplnil pozadovane depends. Hadam je to vsetko,
pretoze ani z koji build logov mi nie je uplne jasne, co z toho naozaj treba
a mozno ani nie. Pridal som aj pull-request pre chameleon, ale mam pocit,
ze ten maintainer je unresponsible.
I suggest you change the bugzillas to ASSIGNED, becasue you are clearly looking 
into it -- that way, others know you are on top of this and Igor's automation 
won't bother you.
Indeed, the chameleon bug received no maintainer response for a very long time. 
This way, the automation may as well render the package orphan and you can take it.
Miro Hrončok
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IRC: mhroncok
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