On 29/05/20 12:17 +0200, Miro Hrončok wrote:
On 29. 05. 20 11:49, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On 29/05/20 09:34 +0200, Miro Hrončok wrote:
On 29. 05. 20 9:32, Felix Schwarz wrote:
Am 29.05.20 um 09:19 schrieb Miro Hrončok:
The side tag is being merged right now.
Thank you for all the work (also in advance with all the
alpha/beta versions) :-)
Seems like quite a few Python packages were rebuilt in rawhide during your
mass rebuild. Did that happen in the past as well? (I don't remember it that
way but also I did not monitor previous python rebuilds closely).
In previous upgrades, we haven't checked and after we asked releng
to merge the side tag, we just realized several packages were
rebuilt (incl. a small boostrap loop once and anaconda the other
time). Hence this time, I've been monitoring the situation. Less
then 10 packages were bumped and built in rawhide during the
rebuilds this time.
Could you send me the list of those packages, if you have it?
I've rebuilt them all again.
Are any of them in the list of packages that I need to rebuild anyway
for the boost1.73+python3.9 combo?
OK, great, nothing extra for me to do then :-)
By the way, I accidentally rebuilt player in the f33-boost side tag,
because my makefile incorrectly listed it as a prerequisite of gazebo
and so automatically added it to my rebuilds (it *is* a prerequisite
of gazebo, but doesn't use boost so I didn't need to do it). I noticed
that your f33-python build of player didn't work, so I'll add that to
the list of ones to rebuild in my tag after f33-python finishes
merging (apparently they're still being signed).
The signing is taking ages :/
Yes, but python3-3.8.3-1.fc33 is done, so I'll rebuild boost in my
side tag and resume my rebuilds there.
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