Ben Rosser <> writes:

> On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 9:36 AM Alex Scheel <> wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "Nicolas Mailhot via devel" <>
>> > To: "Development discussions related to Fedora" 
>> > <>
>> > Cc: "Nicolas Mailhot" <>
>> > Sent: Monday, April 6, 2020 9:10:56 AM
>> > Subject: Re: CPE Weekly: 2020-04-04
>> >
>> > Le lundi 06 avril 2020 à 08:19 -0400, Alex Scheel a écrit :
>> > >
>> > > It'd be interesting to see if the FESCo election system could be
>> > > repurposed to get a sense of all packagers' opinions, rather than
>> > > make assumptions on how the community as a whole feels based on a few
>> > > vocal members and their participation in the mailing lists.
>> >
>> >
>> > Fedora guidelines ask Fedora packagers to subscribe to the devel list,
>> > so it’s the official place to reach Fedora packagers.
>> That's not the point I was making.
>> Not everyone is inclined to loudly argue their positions on the mailing
>> list. There have only been 12 unique participants to this thread and 57
>> to the other thread.
>> That isn't indicative of the entire Fedora packager ecosystem. A lot of
>> people are staying silent.
>> I believe we need a different way to engage the rest of our packager
>> base.
> I'm a packager who has been staying silent, but I generally strongly
> agree with the points that Adam, Miro, Neal, and others have been
> making

As a $nobody that has stayed silent so far, I'd second this: essentially
everything that I would have said, has already been said and ignored
over and over and over again. Honestly, I don't see a point in repeating
the same things again, just to get a polite "we're terribly sorry how we
handled this, but no, we've decided to stick with gitlab"

> with a few caveats:
> * I don't _really_ mind if we wind up using Gitlab over Pagure, but if
> we do, I do feel pretty strongly that we should use Gitlab CE and
> self-host it-- I don't think it would be right for Fedora to use an
> externally hosted solution and I don't think we should use the
> enterprise edition.

I would very much prefer Pagure, mostly because it is one of the few
true FLOSS git forges and we're currently it's biggest user.

> * I don't like how this process has been conducted, and I think that
> official responses from CPE thus far haven't really made things
> better-- if anything, the "we apologize, but this is the decision
> we've made" attitude is making things worse.

Exactly. All threads that have unraveled so far only make me
increasingly frustrated and let me feel more and more powerless: if even
established and respected community members cannot make the CPE
reconsider and go back to the drawing board, then what on earth can I
do? Why should I even try to make a positive impact in the Fedora
community, if the CPE doesn't even consider our core values? What will
be ditched next for a proprietary SaaS solution? (yes I am exaggerating
on purpose with the last one)

> * I fear that, once again, we haven't adequately understood the
> consequences of replacing pagure and some of the features that were
> recently-- finally!-- added to it in order to replace missing pkgdb2
> functionality will again be lost for a long period of time... and
> nothing I've read in any of these threads so far has helped reassure
> me that's not the case.

Your fear has been confirmed multiple times by Leigh Griffin: there is
*no* plan or analysis yet how the currently required features of our
pagure dist-git can be implemented in gitlab and how much that will
cost (how that does not defeat the original purpose of this whole ordeal
is beyond me).

I honestly have nothing more to add to that, as imho the last paragraph
already tells us how this thing will end :-(


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