On Mon, Apr 06, 2020 at 11:09:37AM +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> Dne 04. 04. 20 v 21:02 Aoife Moloney napsal(a):
> > * rpmautospec 0.0.1 through 0.0.10 have been released and deployed in 
> > staging
> Could somebody please update on the status? What were the proof of
> concepts, what are takeaways? Was there any decision on the approach and
> why?

This is very much planned, but we wanted to do this once we have something to
If we end up not being able to show something then we'll have a "lessons
learned" email but we're still currently planning on having something to show
and call for testing :)

So, while you wrote this in past tense, it's still present for us and hopefully
we will soon send the email calling for feedback.

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