On 3 April 2020 19:18:57 CEST, Matthew Miller <mat...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>On Fri, Apr 03, 2020 at 01:04:33PM -0400, Ben Cotton wrote:
>> For what it's worth, when I sent the list I included a reminder that
>> FOSS is always our strong preference where viable. It was a mistake to
>> not leave that in as a user story. I own that. I did that because of
>Eh, I remember it somewhat differently. I don't think that _it is our strong
>preference and very important to our community that this be open source_ is
>a _functional_ requirement, and doesn't really fit as a user story. So we
>pulled that out and emphasized it separately rather than leaving it as one
>among many in the list.

I would dare to say that going with a proprietary solution not only reflects 
poorly on Fedora but also on Red Hat since it's basically saying "we needed 
proper stuff so we couldn't use FOSS".
I can see that the team is strained, what I don't understand is why that exact 
team needs to run all infra. If the team doesn't have the capacity to take care 
of everything on their plate they either need more resources or a smaller scope.
This puts an unnecessary strain on the RH - Fedora relationship.
Anyone involved here wants things to work well and everyone is involved because 
they want to.
We have built an odd structure that creates friction and conflict though.
There needs to some talks about how the CPE should work and what services they 
should deliver. The CPE team does great work and works hard to deliver working 
solutions but often get met with suspicion and even hostility when they push 
for changes.
They play the part of corporate IT in any large corporation. They are staffed 
to do way less than what they are asked and the users they serve can't really 
go to someone else if they feel they aren't getting what they need.
Sadly that is rather built in to the current model, it's basically a negative 
feedback loop.
I think the lofty goals of the Fedora project can't be realized if we aren't 
organized to promote them.
Sorry for the rant, it's has been brewing for quite a while and I really don't 
know where to turn with it.


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