Am Mittwoch, den 01.04.2020, 14:36 +0300 schrieb Panu Matilainen:
> On 3/31/20 8:24 PM, Gary Buhrmaster wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 6:43 AM Panu Matilainen <
> > > wrote:
> > 
> > > Based on rpm-specs-latest.tar.xz from this morning, there are
> > > thirtysome
> > > packages relying on this behavior, which will need fixing to be
> > > buildable with 4.16.
> > 
> > Is there a list of those thirty something packages
> > somewhere so that those particular packagers
> > can potentially get a heads up?
> Here you go (was easier to extract from the output than I initially 
> thought):
> airnef.spec:83: bad %if condition:  python3 == python3
> arbor.spec:34: bad %if
> condition:  fb5d4ea736282dce14c3284bc5db748b082db957
> cgit.spec:26: bad %if condition:  0 >= 7 && ! ( x86_64 == ppc64le || 
> x86_64 == x86_64 )
> copr-rpmbuild.spec:47: bad %if condition:  python3 == "python2"
> CQRlib.spec:33: bad %if condition:  lib64 == lib64
> CTL.spec:90: bad %if condition:  lib64 == "lib64"
> CVector.spec:39: bad %if condition:  lib64 == lib64
> dayplanner.spec:82: bad %if condition:  include_holidayparser
> desktop-backgrounds.spec:21: bad %if condition:  png != png
> doxygen.spec:53: bad %if condition:  ON == "ON"
> gdl.spec:193: bad %if condition:  lib64 != "lib"
> ghdl.spec:494: bad %if condition:  lib64 != lib
> git.spec:207: bad %if condition:  031 || 0 == 6 || ( 0 >= 7 && (
> x86_64 
> == ppc64le || x86_64 == x86_64 ) )
> gsignond.spec:115: bad %if condition:  session != p2p
> gwenview.spec:35: bad %if condition:  !(0 == 8 && ( x86_64 ==
> "aarch64" 
> > > x86_64 == "s390x" ))
> hdf.spec:207: bad %if condition:  lib64 == lib64
> kdegraphics-thumbnailers.spec:4: bad %if condition:  !(0 == 8 && ( 
> x86_64 == "aarch64" || x86_64 == "s390x" ))
> kf5-akonadi-contacts.spec:49: bad %if condition:  !(0 == 8 && (
> x86_64 
> == "aarch64" || x86_64 == "s390x" ))
> lmdb.spec:83: bad %if condition:  0 == 6 && x86_64 == "ppc64"
> magic.spec:81: bad %if condition:  x64 == x64
> mariadb.spec:42: bad %if condition:  x86_64 == x86_64 && 031
> MUSIC.spec:251: bad %if condition:  lib64 == "lib64"
> NetworkManager.spec:24: bad %if condition:  "x" != x
> newlisp.spec:38: bad %if condition:  lib64 == lib64
> nwchem.spec:409: bad %if condition:  LINUX64 == LINUX
> OpenEXR_Viewers.spec:82: bad %if condition:  lib64 == lib64
> python-pivy.spec:66: bad %if condition:  lib64 == "lib64"
> python-ryu.spec:98: bad %if condition:  python3 == python3
> qt3.spec:404: bad %if condition:  lib64 == lib64
> rubygem-scruffy.spec:7: bad %if condition:  (prerelease)
> sagator.spec:33: bad %if condition:  redhat == "suse"
> scribus.spec:111: bad %if condition:  lib64 == lib64
> SkyX.spec:67: bad %if condition:  lib64 == "lib64"
> zabbix.spec:61: bad %if condition:  zabbix != zabbix

I've fixed all the packages on the list.


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