----- Original Message -----
> From: "Vít Ondruch" <vondr...@redhat.com>
> To: devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 10:19:08 AM
> Subject: Re: Fedora 33 System-Wide Change Proposal: ELN Buildroot and Compose 
> V3
> So although this update clarifies some part, we have not moved anywhere:
> ~~~
> === Can we do this in a branch instead of in master? ===
> This adds no value to the current approach where Red Hat maintainers
> would manually merge their changes into the internal build
> infrastructure. There's no way to automate the sync from the `master`
> branch to the `eln` branch that wouldn't break and require maintainer
> involvement. Attempting to branch only individual packages would
> introduce significant complexity in the build process as well, leading
> to far more opportunity for bugs. Lastly, even the most diligent of
> maintainers can forget to sync every change to a new branch, thus
> leaving us in a situation where the `eln` branch has fallen behind and
> is no longer providing an accurate view of whether the package is still
> building or functioning in that environment.

I'm actually doing this in my COPR all rubygems[1], as a part of my (mostly 
automated) workflow. It does add some manual overhead, but I think it's doable 
(maintaining the additional branch), but only if one can force-push into it.


[1] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/pvalena/rubygems/

> ~~~
> I wonder where this comes from. I am participating in this thread,
> representing Ruby maintainers in RHEL and Fedora, in other places of the
> thread, I see Miro Hrončok, Tomáš Orsava and Pert Viktorin representing
> Python RHEL and Fedora maitainers, as well as Petr Písař, the RHEL and
> Fedora representative of Perl. All in all, it represents ~1/2 packages
> in Fedora/RHEL. I hope that I can say that these people shares a view
> that branch, fork, PR is the way to go.
> Yet we are not able to convince you. So I wonder who this proposal
> actually represents? Who is the target audience? Who are the Red Hat
> maintainers you mentioned in the proposal?
> Vít
> Dne 31. 03. 20 v 17:31 Stephen Gallagher napsal(a):
> > I sent out the V2 version of the Change on Friday and then promptly
> > managed to injure myself and be away from email until today. I've read
> > through the email threads again this morning and I decided that,
> > rather than try to address them one by one, I'd try again with a V3
> > that hopefully answers some of the repeated questions and concerns on
> > that list.
> >
> > Please see the newly-updated
> > https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ELN_Buildroot_and_Compose
> > for more details[1].
> >
> >
> > [1]
> > https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Changes%2FELN_Buildroot_and_Compose&type=revision&diff=569904&oldid=569809
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