On 09/02/2010 03:02 AM, Kyle McMartin wrote:
> Hi folks,
> FESCo has heard a few complaints of cases where packages were newer (in
> some cases several versions newer) in F-14 than in rawhide. So this is
> just a friendly reminder that you should be updating rawhide
> (dist-f15) in addition to branched (dist-f14.) Inheritence from F-14
> into rawhide isn't automatic if there's been a separate build in
> dist-f15 since the branching, so please keep in mind updating rawhide
> as well.
> While I'm reminding, just another friendly reminder that you must submit
> update requests using bodhi for updates in F-14 as well, as there has
> been a bit of confusion about that as well.
> regards, Kyle M. for the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.
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Well, can't we automatically forbid to build a package, if the version is 
than the existing version in higher Fedora _base_ releases?

This would prevent also that in F12-updates higher versions exist than in 
F13-release, which prevents clean updates sometimes.

Another approach is to put the %{dist} in the epoch :)
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