On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 01:46:14AM -0700, John M. Harris Jr wrote:

> So long as people are willing to maintain it, why restrict peoples' ability 
> to 
> work on something, especially while users are stuck on that version, or 
> forced 
> to move elsewhere if they cannot get a fix and cannot upgrade?

A nummber of reasons: 

* storage space on fast storage instead of archives
* mirror space
* signing cycles
* build cycles
* compose cycles

False sense of security: Something might be updated because the maintainer wants
to keep it up to date there, but no one else does so 30 other things are
inscure/broken, making users thing things are up to date when they are

You would have to have some way to allow feedback/bug reports only to
those people who are wanting to keep it alive, while not bothering
people who don't wish to. 


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