Hello. There is updated python-cffi 1.14.0 in rawhide, updated from 1.13.2.
With a possible update in Fedora 31 from 1.12.3.
There should be no backward incompatible changes apart from a new deprecation in
1.13.1. (If your package was not affected by this already in rawhide and your
Fedora 31 version is the same, you shouldn't get affected by it.)
It would be appreciated if you could please check if all your dependent packages
build and work fine, and report back trough Bugzilla or here. Thanks
Maintainers by package:
freecell-solver shlomif
freeipa abbra fcami ipa-maint jhrozek mkosek pvoborni rcritten simo
libolm xvitaly
ocrmypdf qulogic
printrun churchyard
python-argon2-cffi atim paulcarroty
python-autobahn jujens
python-bcrypt pingou williamjmorenor
python-cairocffi brouhaha fschwarz jdulaney
python-cryptography ayrx bowlofeggs cheimes itamarjp jcline noodles npmccallum
python-lmdb pspacek
python-nnpy tdawson
python-persistent jjames
python-pillow miminar smani
python-pycares fantom
python-pygit2 pwalter
python-pynacl ignatenkobrain
python-snappy jujens
python-xcffib cicku jdulaney
qtile cicku jdulaney
rpy alexlan jamatos
weasyprint brouhaha fschwarz
Packages by maintainer:
abbra freeipa
alexlan rpy
atim python-argon2-cffi
ayrx python-cryptography
bowlofeggs python-cryptography
brouhaha python-cairocffi weasyprint
cheimes python-cryptography
churchyard printrun
cicku python-xcffib qtile
fantom python-pycares
fcami freeipa
fschwarz python-cairocffi weasyprint
ignatenkobrain python-pynacl
ipa-maint freeipa
itamarjp python-cryptography
jamatos rpy
jcline python-cryptography
jdulaney python-cairocffi python-xcffib qtile
jhrozek freeipa
jjames python-persistent
jujens python-autobahn python-snappy
miminar python-pillow
mkosek freeipa
noodles python-cryptography
npmccallum python-cryptography
paulcarroty python-argon2-cffi
pingou python-bcrypt
pspacek python-lmdb
pvoborni freeipa
pwalter python-pygit2
qulogic ocrmypdf
rcritten freeipa
shlomif freecell-solver
simo freeipa
smani python-pillow
tdawson python-nnpy
twoerner freeipa
williamjmorenor python-bcrypt
xvitaly libolm
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok
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