On Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 03:05:26PM +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> […]Fedora reportedly has millions of users, but I have no way of telling how 
> many of those are actually affected by the longer download time […]

To add another aspect, that cannot be counted properly (and thus being a
personal preference):

Due to my linux-usage I do need around 3 or 4 different distros
available at the same time. To avoid re-downloading it every time (which
usually is at least 20 to 40 minutes waiting time, which I could use to
do something more productive), I store the images locally.
As my laptop is already severely restricted on disk space, I don't use
the full images anyway, but the netinstall images.
There is one exception, where I do use the full image, which is as a
base for a kickstart managed installation.

For all other cases I ignore the full images (this applies to Debian as
well as Fedora) - as I do know what I want to install I can use the
netinstall variants.
This has multiple advantages for me:

* image download is faster (less stuff I don't need)
* total installation time is faster (only downloaded what is needed)
* I can store multiple distros (currently my free disk space is 2.4G)
* I don't have to remove that much stuff after installation

But granted this is only a usecase for people already knowing what they
want, not a (maybe more) regular "I'm a new user and want to try this".

All the best,

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