On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 11:09 AM Filip Janus <fja...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> as you maybe know the BerkeleyDB 6.x has a more restrictive license than the 
> previous versions (AGPLv3 vs. LGPLv2), and due to that many projects cannot 
> use it.
> Few years ago there was an effort to reduce the number of dependent packages 
> on BerkeleyDB(libdb). And nowadays situation seems to be almost the same. 
> Here is
> the link with packages dependent on libdb[1] from previous effort, which is 
> truthful for nowadays situation. As a member of the database team which is 
> responsible for libdb, I would like to know your opinions on this problem, 
> because many components have many specific cases where is libdb used.
> Nowadays we would like to remove libdb from Fedora as soon as possible, in 
> the best case  from Fedora 33. But I am afraid, that it isn't real.
> I have discussed this issue with my colleagues and we propose an approach. We 
> found that the biggest problem would occur in updating components from 
> versions that support libdb to versions without this support. Here could 
> arise problems of inconsistency.
> Our approach assumes to convert old libdb databases to other supported 
> database format in each package related to this libdb issue. Result would be 
> Fedora without libdb.
> I know that this approach probably isn't perfect.
> Therefore  I would like to ask for Your opinions, suggestions and every 
> problem clarification.
> Thank you very much for any help. I welcome every opinion.
> [1] 
> https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=User:Pkubat/Draft_-_Removing_BerkeleyDB_from_Fedora&rd=User%3AJstanek%2FDraft_-_Removing_BerkeleyDB_from_Fedora

I'm very much in support of a plan for this. In my opinion, the sooner
the better.

At least for RPM, I have personally been testing the non-BDB backends
since they were introduced in various environments. I'm currently
using the NDB backend for a couple of projects (POSIX stack for
Windows, and a devtool stack for macOS), and have been testing the
SQLite backend in rpm git master since it was introduced a few months
ago in a Linux distribution.

Also in the RPM case, support recently landed for reading BDB rpmdb
without libdb for supporting inspecting and converting from a BDB
rpmdb. So it's technically possible to do a conversion from bdb to
something else without libdb being linked to it.

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