Just to clear a few things up and to simplify things a little for those
that may have just entered the discussion.

Google Search is not open-source. Yes, sure you can use and access
Google Search freely and implement it into your own site code, but all
the Google Search code and it's working functions remains on Google's
servers and all the searching is done via Google's servers.
By including Google Search into your own site, in this case
x-Fedora.org-x, you are simply using Google Search via linking on your
site. Think hyperlinking, nothing more.

Google Search source code is not open-source and I don't have a problem
with that and I think that the policy guidelines for which the
Fedora/Red Hat Development Community abides should be revised/relaxed
slightly to highlight this. But that's not for me to decide.

It's a tough situation as there are free and open-source web search
tools that we could include into Fedora, but it's not going to be for
web search and only for internal Fedora server searching.
Hence why I believe the policy guidelines should be revised, because
there's is simply no free and open source web search engine like
Google/Yahoo and Bing Search. Let's hope this changes in the future.


Chris Jones <chrisjo...@comcen.com.au>

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