On 1/7/20 10:28 AM, Matthew Miller wrote:
On Tue, Jan 07, 2020 at 03:22:45PM +0100, Iñaki Ucar wrote:
For me, the main challenge Fedora faces is **positioning**.

Let me explain: (I don't have numbers but) in my (limited) experience,
when seasoned sysadmins need to launch a new system, they usually
think "Debian" as something reliable; when seasoned as well as
not-very-seasoned-in-Linux research engineers (I know better this
category, since I'm a researcher) need to setup a system for some demo
or experiment, they mostly think "Ubuntu" (yes, I know...); when we
see a new exciting service (such as Travis CI and the like) coming
out, they usually support Ubuntu; and so on and so forth, and I'm not
even talking about the desktop use case.

So I think there's the challenge for Fedora, for all those people to
consider Fedora as a first option for their use cases.
I agree that's a challenge. Any ideas for how to address it and change these

Here's one that should be easy, though it probably won't have the desired impact, but we should practice what we preach, at minimum: make Fedora a selection for the OS in oVirt.  I wind up choosing the latest RHEL for all my Fedora VMs but I always have to wonder if that's optimal -- and I've lived in the shade of RH since the RHL4.0 days.  Why do we have to guess at this?  I know oVirt isn't a Fedora project, it's a RH one, but this should be one upstream that's the easiest of all to convince.  I mean Ubuntu is a choice here!  What kind of message does this project to you?
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