Dne 07. 01. 20 v 14:57 Iñaki Ucar napsal(a):
> On Tue, 7 Jan 2020 at 13:28, Neal Gompa <ngomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 7:04 AM Martin Kolman <mkol...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2020-01-07 at 10:36 +0100, Vít Ondruch wrote:
>>>> Dne 06. 01. 20 v 19:08 Nicolas Mailhot via devel napsal(a):
>>>>> Le 2020-01-06 19:05, Nicolas Mailhot a écrit :
>>>>>> Handling those checks is where the packaging toil is (that is, as long
>>>>>> as Fedora is a deployment project). It is not something the packaging
>>>>>> format makes harder.
>>>>> However, because our packaging format streamlines those checks, and
>>>>> forces to apply them, it is blamed by devs for the impedance mismatch
>>>>> between dev and deployment requirements.
>>>>> But, this mismatch is not caused by our packaging format. It is caused
>>>>> by devs taking shortcuts because their language packaging format lets
>>>>> them.
>>>> Well said Nicolas.
>>>> Embracing the "language-native packaging" and "git repos" is giving up
>>>> on what Fedora maintainers have always did and that is kicking forward
>>>> all the upstreams, because we force them to keep updating the
>>>> dependencies (or to maintain compatibility with old versions of
>>>> dependencies). Once we embrace "git repos" etc, we will lose our soul
>>>> IMO. There won't be any collaboration between upstream projects, which
>>>> was cultivated by distribution maintainers. Upstreams will sit in their
>>>> silos and bundle everything.
>>> Just recently I've read a discussion (IIRC on Hacker News) about an article
>>> about yet another mess due to NPM (I think this was for a change some 
>>> licensing mess,
>>> not another malware) where someone suggested a radical new idea: "Lets have 
>>> a
>>> crowd sourced set of packages that are known to have sane licenses, don't 
>>> contain
>>> malware/CVEs and can work together!". Yeah, like, say a Linux distro such 
>>> as Fedora ?
>>> Basically, it seems to me that the language specific package management 
>>> systems
>>> are already creaking under load & display critical issues almost on a daily 
>>> basis.
>>> Issues people with distro packaging background pointed out long ago, only 
>>> to be ignored.
>>> So I think it really makes much more sense to continue with all the nice 
>>> nice improvements
>>> we have been doing in RPM packaging, rather than throwing it all away and 
>>> switching to
>>> a fundamentally inferior technology.
>>>> Also, just today I had discussion if Ruby packages should be more Fedora
>>>> tailored or more upstream like and there is no right way which could
>>>> reasonably satisfy both worlds.
>>>> E.g. if upstream package has Windows specific dependencies, it is kind
>>>> of natural to strip this dependency on Fedora. OTOH, it possibly breaks
>>>> a dependency resolving on other platforms, if the project was created
>>>> using Fedora packages. This is unfortunately the reason for devs to take
>>>> some shortcut, probably to go with upstream way, because if nothing
>>>> else, it is typically better documented.
>> There's some interesting cognitive dissonance here. In HN threads
>> where I've seen this, people seem to be naturally discovering that
>> what they want is a curation point for these modules, but when someone
>> points out that the Linux distribution essentially functions in that
>> role, there's some recoil. They say that they don't want that.
> Language-specific packaging formats share a common thing: they are
> designed to be installed in the users' home

Definitely not this one unfortunately.


> , or equivalently, in a
> virtual environment without root permissions. I'm guessing here, but
> the recoil you reference probably comes from the fact that distro-wide
> packaging systems require admin privileges.
> If that's true, then I think we should further promote Fedora toolbox.
> Iñaki
>> I think the underlying problem here is that we don't sell ourselves
>> well in the value proposition to these people. Most people sadly
>> reference Debian as their idea of a Linux distribution. While they
>> certainly provide certainty and curation, they are often too slow to
>> be usable by developers to leverage new features and capabilities for
>> their software. This is something we need to figure out how to market
>> better for Fedora desktop, server, and cloud variants. We provide much
>> of the same benefits that Debian does, except we also provide fresher
>> stacks and new features more quickly for people to leverage.
>> "Friends. Features. Freedom. First. Fedora"
>> --
>> 真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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