Nico Kadel-Garcia <> writes:

> On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 2:48 PM Robbie Harwood <> wrote:
>> "John M. Harris Jr" <> writes:
>>> On Friday, December 20, 2019 10:59:52 AM MST Chris Murphy wrote:
>>>> Issuing the command once per week harms no one
>>> Based on what's actual in the Change proposal, this is not the case.
>>> Even if this goes through, in my opinion, it should only affect the
>>> GNOME Spin, or perhaps even "all graphical" spins at most.
>> No?  This is extremely useful for cloud environments - maybe the most
>> useful.  It allows VM hosts to reclaim and reuse empty disk space;
>> otherwise, the disk images just bloat to their maximum allowed size.
> Its most useful for the cloud *providers*, not the cloud clients. For
> the clients, getting the AWS space pre-allocated form EBS is often a
> notable performance improvement, and restoring it to AWS saves AWS
> resources. Not the client system performance.

Sure, but in many cases the client is also the provider.  Consider
running kvm on a laptop (which I and many others do for work...) - you'd
really like the disk space back you're not using, rather than each VM
taking 10-20G it doesn't need.  I end up having to edit every VM
configuration in two places after each install/provision in order to get
that behavior - that's not reasonable.


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