Mike McGrath wrote:
> All you can do is trust RH to do the right thing, know we'll make
> mistakes from time to time

And bear in mind how long Red Hat has been doing this and how often
they've chosen to stay on the side of free software versus trying to
close things off for short-term financial gain...

> and know that those of us that were volunteers that have now been
> lucky enough to be hired on to do it full time (myself included) are
> looking out for Fedora's best interest, not a paycheck.

Every time I see you, Jesse, Dennis, Bill or the numerous other
@redhat.com infrastructire folks working on things over the weekend
(or well past any normal 9-5 hours), I'm reminded that this isn't
"just a job" to you guys.  And I'm quite thankful for all the time you
guys put in, over and above what Red Hat pays you to put in.  Thank

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.
    -- Mae West

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