On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 09:12:28PM +0100, Mark Chappell wrote:
> On 26/08/2010, Jeff Spaleta <jspal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Just to be clear.. its the clickity nature of the initial system wide
> > configuration that is the barrier for you? if you had a reasonable
> > non-clickity way to add a system wide on-boot activated network
> > controlled networkmanager via cli would that suffice?
> An example which I think highlights what Jon's trying to say:
> When I build a new KVM host via kickstart I run a very simple little
> script in a %post section to preconfigure a number of VLANs for me
> along with a bridge for each VLAN which the KVM guests can then
> connect to.  With the old school networking scripts I can simply do
> this with a for loop and cat (none of the interfaces need IPs) and
> there's nothing there for me to forget to do or typo while doing, it's
> just done.  With NetworkManager I'm not sure there's an easy way to do
> this automatically.  I'm a SysAdmin I don't want to do the dull
> repetitive bits if I can help it, I only want to do the bits that are
> unique and GUIs do not lend themselves to automation.

NM can use old style /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*.  Can't 
you just write those out from your %post section?  Or, if you want all 
the NM features like WPA wireless config, you can use the keyfile 
plugin to write NM ini-style key-value files.  Either way, those are 
text files that are easily handled from shell scripts.
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