Thanks Rahul and Martin (other posts in this thread) :)

Bill Nottingham wrote:

> Petrus de Calguarium said:
>> 1. I noticed that one can no longer (with v8-2) turn off the computer by
>> clicking the 'turn off computer' button in KDE. I figured out, with help
>> of recent threads, that one has to run: systemctl isolate
>> It worked. Is this the correct way?
> That is a way. The KDE button should still work - what is it actually
> doing? (Generally, invoking shutdown/reboot/etc is probably the easiest
> way.)

OK, I just updated to v8-3 and have the latest initscripts, too. I tried to 
shut down 
twice (I invoked sudo systemctl daemon-reexec before the second time), and I 
cannot power down by clicking on the power off button. The screen goes black, 
but the 
mouse pointer remains on the black screen and is movable, but nothing further 
I have to go to a different virtual terminal, log in as root, and run systemctl 
isolate Then, it powers off.

>> 2. I use privoxy as a proxy and dnsmasq for dns cacheing. Previously, I
>> issued: service dnsmasq start ; service privoxy start. I presume I must
>> now run: systemctl start dnsmasq.service ; systemctl start
>> privoxy.service. Is this correct?
> If you've got the latest packages, either should work.

I don't think this is working, either. I ran systemctl start dnsmasq.service ; 
systemctl start privoxy.service and got no error messages. I opened firefox and 
able to navigate to a web page, so it seems that privoxy is working, otherwise 
would block loading pages.

However, dnsmasq does not appear to be working correctly. When I run dig 
says 30 seconds the first time and 29 seconds every time thereafter and the 
lights on 
my router flash, meaning it is getting the information from the web. Normally, 
second time running dig should be 0 seconds and no flashing lights on 

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