On Mi, 04.12.19 03:12, John M. Harris Jr (joh...@splentity.com) wrote:

> I don't see how redefining "at rest" is useful here. Especially because, I
> can't imagine a time where my user isn't logged in in one way or another, or a
> user that has permissions to enter my home directory is logged in. Further,
> when one of their cron jobs run, or a systemd user service runs, would that
> use a cached key to unlock their home directory?

in systemd-homed cronjobs can't run as long as you aren't logged
in. If you are logged in all is good and they run as they
traditionally did, but if you aren't logged in then the LUKS volume is locked
and there's no password available from cron we could use to unlock the

It's a feature not a bug though: systemd-homed gives you much stronger
security guarantees: as long as you are present on the device the
device has can access the data on behalf of you. But as soon as you
leave (by logging out or suspending the machine) the data as locked
and the keys removed from memory so that access is logically

(One thinkable extension of homed's current model btw is to support
logind lingering by asking for the user pw using plymouth. this would
then mean you'd be asked to unlock your user during early boot like as
with classic disk encryption, and then it remains unlocked for the
entire lifetime of the system. But I am not sure it's worth it, if you
are happy with such a much weaker model you might as well use regular
full disk encryption and have the home dirs themselves just be plain


Lennart Poettering, Berlin
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