On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 6:01 PM Charalampos Stratakis
<cstra...@redhat.com> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Vít Ondruch" <vondr...@redhat.com>
> > Cc: devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> > Sent: Friday, November 8, 2019 10:01:47 AM
> > Subject: Re: Fedora 32 System-Wide Change proposal: Build Python 3 to 
> > statically link with libpython3.8.a for better
> > performance
> >
> >
> > Dne 07. 11. 19 v 23:08 Florian Weimer napsal(a):
> > > * Vít Ondruch:
> > >
> > >> Dne 07. 11. 19 v 16:05 Tom Hughes napsal(a):
> > >>> On 07/11/2019 14:59, Victor Stinner wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>>> I cannot explain why PLT is needed when a libpython function calls a
> > >>>> libpython function.
> > >>> Because an exported symbol in an ELF shared library is subject to
> > >>> potential interposition using LD_PRELOAD so the calls need to go
> > >>> through the PLT to be resolved.
> > >>
> > >> Not sure what PLT is (pre load table?), but is it something what could
> > >> be disabled?
> > > Procedure Linkage Table.
> > >
> > > It can be disabled by using hidden symbols.  For internal symbols, that
> > > is easy.  For symbols that are used externally, I do not think we have
> > > good toolchain support.  Link-time optimization can detect truly
> > > internal symbols and make them hidden.  Some targets can also perform
> > > relaxation of relocations, eliminating most of the PLT indirection
> > > overhead if it turns out a function is not exported after all and
> > > therefore cannot be interposed.  But that needs a version script, and it
> > > can't work for calls to functions that are in fact public.
> > >
> > > In glibc, we create hidden aliases for public functions which should not
> > > be interposed.  It's not too bad if you have preprocessor macros for
> > > this task, but you do need to annotate each function declaration and
> > > definition separately.
> > >
> > >> This sounds like the whole system could be 25% faster if we link
> > >> statically.
> > > Not reallly, quite a few system components already do this kind of
> > > optimization.
> > >
> > > Toolchain support for this is quite poor however.  Ideally, we would
> > > have a compilation mode that reuses the annotations that Windows uses,
> > > but given that our system headers currently lack __dllimport specifiers
> > > (or whatever they are called), even with that approach, it's quite a lot
> > > of work.  I might be mistaken about this, but I think there was a huge
> > > conflict about some intermediate visibility setting (protected?) that
> > > might help with this, basically creating non-interposable function
> > > symbols, but I don't think it's usable for that in its current state.
> >
> >
> > Thx for explanation Florian.
> >
> >
> > Generally, I am against this change proposal, because:
> >
> > 1) Apparently, there is some work which needs to be done on the
> > toolchain. Applying workarounds just hides the issues and we won't move
> > forward ever.
> I think it's more reasonable to do a small SPEC change in Python to achieve a 
> 27% performance boost, than wait for the toolchain to catch up on things that 
> are not well defined yet. I don't see that as a valid reason for not 
> accepting the change, although you might want to elaborate further here.
> >
> > 2) I am asking this questions, because I believe that the same issue
> > might suffer Ruby and others are concerned about Perl. Applying this
> > just to Python is not systematic.
> Maybe. Systematic or not when compared to other dynamic languages is not 
> really relevant for this change to take effect. I don't know about Perl's or 
> Ruby's architecture design, but is there a reason to keep them in line in 
> that aspect? Or for any other aspect at all, apart from the general packaging 
> guidelines?
> >
> > However, if part of this change proposal was actually collecting the
> > information what have to be done to have similar performance for the
> > dynamically linked libraries comparing to static linking, if there is
> > push to improve the toolchain and if there is generally better
> > understanding of the issue, then I would not mind if this is accepted as
> > temporary measure. Unfortunately, nothing like this is mentioned in the
> > change proposal.
> >
> No this is not intended to be temporal, hence why it's not mentioned as such. 
> The information has been collected as a case for the change. If other 
> languages would like to conduct similar benchmarks and experiments they are 
> free to do so, but the scope of this change is just for Python. Also it's not 
> intended as a push for certain toolchain changes/optimizations, although thet 
> would be more than welcome. In addition this change is not a case for the 
> benefits of static linking in general, as we are not aware or experimented on 
> other things, we outlined a specific case, which is in line with the 
> packaging guidelines, since statically linking a binary against its own 
> library is permitted.
> This change intends to speed up Python by a significant margin in the context 
> of the current toolchain, with the outlined effects on compatibility and 
> package changes. We can debate on that, the rest seem irrelevant in the 
> context of accepting it or not.

I agree. The benefit of this change for python (and hence, a big
amount of software that runs on both users' *and* fedora infra
machines) is rather big, while the impact on other packages is either
non-existent, or pretty small. Additionally, I think Miro mentioned
that this change was already done in other distros, so we're also not
the first ones doing this.

(Side note: I wouldn't even have objected to this being a
Self-Contained Change, since it basically only affects one package -
albeit an important one (python3) - and the Change owners have offered
to help with adapting other packages, in the very few cases where that
would be necessary. I also trust the members of the Python SIG have
done / will do their homework here, as they have done with both the
python 3.8 transition and python2 retirement, which were / are both
being executed almost flawlessly.)


> >
> > Vít
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Florian
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> --
> Regards,
> Charalampos Stratakis
> Software Engineer
> Python Maintenance Team, Red Hat
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