Christopher Engelhard <> writes:

> On 18.10.19 17:21, Robbie Harwood wrote:
>> While you're right that the solutions from source distros (i.e., NixOS
>> and Gentoo) would be very hard to adapt, binary distros have also solved
>> this problem in different ways.  I'm most familiar with Debian's
>> solution (virtual packages[2], provides:, and alternatives [1]) which
>> to my mind maps much more clearly onto Fedora's setup.  Obviously we
>> can't use their code wholesale without migrating to APT, but as you say,
>> the goal is to derive inspiration.
>> 1:
>> 2:
> I'm not a Fedora packager (yet[1]), so correct me if I'm
> misunderstanding things completely, but is there any reason not to
> adapt the existing RPM provides: functionality for this?

I'm not aware of technical reasons not to do this - as Neal elaborated
on, this is already possible.

> That is essentially what Archlinux does with their pacman, where an
> second version of the same program will typically both Provide: and
> Conflict: with the 'default' package. It's extensively used by users to
> provide e.g. development versions of stable packages, see e.g.
> inkscape-git [2].
> - if you install inkscape, you get the default version
> - if you install inkscape-git, you get the development version
> - when resolving dependencies, pacman knows that inkscape-git provides
> the capabilities of (Provides:) but cannot be installed together with
> (Conflicts:) of the package named inkscape
> - otherwise, they are two separate packages, so you don't have the
> problem of implicitly switching streams
> Parallel installability is taken care of with compat packages as usual,
> though if the packages happen to be parallel installable, there's
> probably no reason not to allow that via 'provides:' without 'conflicts:'
> What I like about this approach that all this magic only comes into play
> when resolving dependencies. In all other circumstances they are
> packages like any other, and are treated as such.



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